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SabaX 1300 SMS Kostenlos

SabaX 1300 sms lets you connect your Skytel 1300 sms service to your Bitrix24 CRM. Service allows you to send SMS manually or automatically, through: - Contact or company details - deals and leads details - Workflows - CRM marketing for SMS - Send documents via SMS - Automate SMS rules and get instant delivery reports.

SabaX Web2SMS Kostenlos

SabaX Web2SMS lets you connect your Skytel Web2SMS service to your Bitrix24 CRM. Service allows you to send SMS manually or automatically, through: - Contact or company details - deals and leads details - Workflows - CRM marketing for SMS - Send documents via SMS - Automate SMS rules and get instant delivery reports.

SabaX MessagePro Kostenlos

SabaX messagePro lets you connect your Callpro messagepro service to your Bitrix24 CRM. Service allows you to send SMS manually or automatically, through: - Contact or company details - deals and leads details - Workflows - CRM marketing for SMS - Send documents via SMS - Automate SMS rules and get instant delivery reports.

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