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Zu Ihrer Suchanfrage wurden keine Anwendungen gefunden.
Billable Hours For Tasks Kostenlos

No more endless hours spent on creating reports and issuing invoices - now a single app can calculate all the labor costs (time and expenses) for a project.

PureTaskReport Kostenlos

The application builds the task report for one or more employees and considers the elapsed time.

Hourly payroll calculator Kostenlos

Now you can create timesheets for any employee. Timesheets contain detailed reports on working hours spent by employees.

Stundenauswertung Kostenlos

Diese Anwendung erstellt eine Tabelle mit allen Aufgaben und deren Zeitaufwand-Angaben

Business Analyzer Kostenlos

Diese Anwendung vereint viele verschiede Analysetools rund um Ihre Bitrix-Anwendung die kontinuierlich entwickelt und erweitert wird.

Globalnet Task Lister (Görev Listeleyici) Kostenlos

Listing Tasks grouped by the Workgroups. (Çalşma gruplarına göre görev listeleme)


The application generates reports from all tasks' and workgroups' fields. Reports can be created manually or automatically and sent via email in CSV and Excel format. With this application, you will be able to generate more consistent, logical, and readable reports from tasks and projects.

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